66-1,158. Nuclear generation facility siting;definitions.As used in this act:
(a) "Addition to an existing nuclear generation facility"means any addition ofnuclear generation capacity to an existing nuclear generation facility.
(b) "Commission" means the state corporation commission.
(c) "Electric utility" means every public utility, asdefinedbyK.S.A. 66-104, and amendments thereto, which owns, controls, operates ormanages any equipment, plant or generating machinery for the production,transmission, delivery or furnishing, of electricity or electricpower.
(d) "Existing nuclear generation facility" means a nuclear generationfacility which is in existence on January 1, 2007.
(e) "Landowner" means any person having an estate orinterest in anyland, which land is proposed to be acquired by an electric utility inconnection with the construction, operation and maintenance of a nucleargeneration facility.
(f) (1) "Nuclear generation facility" means anyphysical plant utilizing nuclear energy astheprimary fuel for the production or generation of electricity or electricpower.
(2) "Nuclear generation facility" does not include: (A) Remodeling,reconditioning or retrofittingofa nuclear generation facility; (B)constructionof nonnuclear generation capacityat the site ofa nuclear generation facility; (C) an addition to an existing nucleargenerationfacility which is within three miles of the reactor of an existing nucleargeneration facility; (D) construction of a nuclear generation facility which iswithin three miles of the reactor of an existing nucleargeneration facility; or (E) any facility proposed to be located outside thisstate if: (i) The need for thefacility and the reasonableness of its proposed siting issubjecttoreview by the utility regulatory authority of that state; (ii) less than 10%of the retail customers on the electric system intended to be served by suchfacility are located in this state; and (iii) such retailcustomerslocated in this state number no more than 15,000.
(g) "Party" means any landowner, electric utility,governmentalboard or agency, or any other person allowed to intervene in anyproceeding under this act.
(h) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporationor otherassociation of persons.
History: L. 1976, ch. 283, § 1;L. 1979, ch. 209, § 2;L. 1993, ch. 106, § 1;L. 2000, ch. 2, § 1;L. 2007, ch. 113, § 2; July 1.