66-1,169a. Same; compilation by commissionof statewide electricgeneration capacity forecast; hearings; information furnished bymunicipal utilities.In order to more effectively administer the provisions of the Kansasnuclear generation facility siting act with respect todeterminingwhether or not a necessity exists for a proposed nucleargenerationfacility, the commissionshall compile and maintain a comprehensive statewide electric generationcapacity forecast. In compiling and maintaining said forecast, thecommission may hold such hearings deemed necessary. The proceedings ofany such hearing shall be governed by the rules and regulations adoptedby the commission pursuant to K.S.A. 66-106 and amendments thereto. Forthe purposes of thissection, every municipally owned or operated electric utility and everyelectric utility operating wholly and solely within the legal boundariesof any municipality and within three miles thereof shall furnish tothe commission such information as to electric generation capacity asthe commission may require.
History: L. 1979, ch. 209, § 11;L. 2000, ch. 2, § 6;L. 2007, ch. 113, § 8; July 1.