66-1,178. Same; siting of electric transmissionlines; permit required; application,contents; hearings.(a) No electric utility may begin site preparation for or constructionof an electric transmission line, or exercise the right of eminent domainto acquire any interest in land in connection with the site preparationfor a construction of any such line without first acquiring a siting permitfrom the commission. Whenever any electric utility desires toobtainsuch a permit, the utility shall file an application with thecommission settingforth therein that the utility proposes to construct anelectric transmission lineand specifying:
(1) The proposed location thereof;
(2) the names and addresses ofthe landowners of record whose land or interest therein is proposed to beacquired in connection with the construction of or islocated within 660 feetof the center line of the easement where the line is proposed to belocated;and
(3) such otherinformation as may be required by the commission.
(b) Upon the filing of an application pursuant tosubsection (a), the commissionshall fix a time for a public hearing on such application, which shall benot more than 90 days after the date the applicationwasfiled, todetermine the necessity for and the reasonableness of the location of theproposedelectric transmissionline. The commission shall fix the place for hearing, which shall be in oneof the counties through which the electrictransmission line is proposed to traverse.
(c) The commission may conduct an evidentiary hearing on an applicationfiled pursuant to this section at such time and place as the commission deemsappropriate.
(d) The commission shall issue a final order on the application within120 days after the date the application was filed.
History: L. 1979, ch. 207, § 2;L. 1984, ch. 248, § 1;L. 2000, ch. 85, § 1; Apr. 20.