66-1,179. Same; notice of hearing.The commission shall publish notice of the time, place and subjectmatter of the public hearing provided for by K.S.A.66-1,178 and amendments thereto in newspapers having general circulation ineverycounty through which the electric transmission line is proposed to traverseonce each week for two consecutive weeks, the lastpublication tobe not less than five days before such hearing date. Thecommission may order the applicant to publish such notice and submit anaffidavit of publication, evidencing the dates of publication and thenewspapers in which the notice appeared, to the commission prior to thehearing. Written noticeby certified mail of such hearing and a copy of the application shall beserved not less than 20 days prior to the hearingdate upon alllandowners described in subsection (a)(2) of K.S.A. 66-1,178, andamendments thereto, as shown by theapplication.
History: L. 1979, ch. 207, § 3;L. 2000, ch. 85, § 2; Apr. 20.