66-1,197. TeleKansas I regulation extended.(a) The Kansas corporation commission, for a period extendingthrough March 1,1997, shall continue to regulate all telecommunications public utilities withmore than 500,000 access lines in accordance with the terms and conditions setforth in TeleKansas I. The continuation shall include: (1) Capitalexpenditures,above normal construction investment, of not less than$64,000,000 by such telecommunications public utilities in a manner andamount to be determined by agreement between such telecommunications publicutilities and the corporation commission and (2) the continuation of currentlevels of employment in this state through March 1, 1997 based on employment inthis state as of April 1, 1994.The commission may require such additional investments and commitments so thatthe overall terms and conditions are no less favorable than those which havebeen publicly offered by such utility in states contiguous to Kansas duringthe six months prior to the effective date of this act. Such additional capitalexpenditures shall include but not be limited to the completion of a fiberoptic network for public high schools in areas served by Southwestern Bell inKansas. The corporation commission shall monitor each approved project and theexpenditures therefore.The commission shall not conduct anyearnings audit for the purpose of requiring rate reductions prior to January 1,1996.
(b) Nothing in this section shall prevent the corporation commission fromfurther relaxing regulation of telecommunications services, from authorizingcompetition in existing services or entry of new competitive services, or fromcomplying with preemptive federal orders prior to March 1, 1997. With theexception of subsection (a), this section does not otherwise alter thecommission's statutory authority.
(c) For purposes of this section, "TeleKansas I" means the scheme ofregulation set forth in the corporation commission's February 2, 1990 order inthe case styled In the Matter of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company'sProposal for Network Modernization, Rate Stability and Pricing Regulation,a/k/a "TeleKansas", docket number 166,856-U.
History: L. 1994, ch. 234, § 2; July 1.