66-1,232. Services and facilities required; reasonable rules,classifications, regulations, rates, fares, tolls and charges; hearing.Every miscellaneous public utility governed bythis act shall be required to furnish reasonably efficient and sufficientservice, joint service and facilities for the use of any and all productsor services rendered, furnished, supplied or produced by suchmiscellaneous public utility, to establish just and reasonable rates, jointrates, fares, tolls, charges and exactions and to make just and reasonablerules, classifications and regulations. Every unjust or unreasonablydiscriminatory or unduly preferential rule, regulation, classification,rate, joint rate, fare, toll, charge or exaction isprohibited, unlawful and void. Thecommission shall have the power, after notice and hearing in accordance withthe provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act, to require allmiscellaneous publicutilities governed by this act to establish and maintainjust and reasonable joint rates when the same are reasonably necessaryin order to maintain reasonably sufficient and efficientservice from such miscellaneous public utilities.
History: L. 1985, ch. 225, § 14;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 258; July 1, 1989.