66-1,235. Investigations initiated by commission; powers; hearings.(a) Upon a complaint in writing made against any miscellaneous public utilitygoverned by this act, that any of the rates or joint rates, tolls,charges, rules, regulations, classifications or schedules of such miscellaneouspublic utility are in any respect unreasonable, unfair, unjust, unjustlydiscriminatory or unduly preferential, or both, or that any regulation,practice or act whatsoever affecting or relating to any service performedor to be performed by such miscellaneous public utility for the public,is in any respect unreasonable, unfair, unjust, unreasonably inefficient orinsufficient, unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential, or that anyservice performed or to be performed by such miscellaneous public utilityfor the public is unreasonably inadequate, inefficient, undulyinsufficient or cannot be obtained, the commission may proceed, withor without notice, to make such investigation as it deems necessary.
No orderchanging suchrates, joint rates, fares, tolls, charges, rules, regulations andclassifications,schedules, practices or acts complained of shall be made or entered by thecommission without a formal public hearing in accordance with theprovisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act, of which due noticeshall begiven by the commission to such miscellaneous public utility or to suchcomplainant or complainants, if any. Any public investigation or hearingwhich the commission shall have power to make or to hold may be made orheld before any one or more commissioners. All investigations,hearings, decisions and orders made by a commissioner shall be deemedthe investigations, hearings, decisions and orders of thecommission, when approved by the commission.
(b) The commission shall have power torequire miscellaneous public utilities to make suchimprovements and do such acts as are or may be required by law to be doneby any such miscellaneous public utility.
History: L. 1985, ch. 225, § 32;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 259;L. 1994, ch. 59, § 5;L. 1997, ch. 132, § 14; July 1.