66-1209. Railroad taxes; cancellation upon certain conditions.Whenever it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the board of countycommissioners of any county in this state that any corporation, company orperson has operated a railroad in the state of Kansas for not less than tenyears, and has paid all taxes on its property and right of way assessed forsaid ten years, and thereafter has ceased to operate said railroad for twoyears, because it did not have sufficient money to do so, and the taxes onsuch property and right of way have not been paid for a period of five (5)years, such county commissioners may cancel said taxes for said last five(5) years, when said railroad company, or its receiver, or legalrepresentatives, resumes operation of said railroad in the state of Kansas.
History: L. 1923, ch. 174, § 1; June 9; R.S. 1923, 66-1209.