66-1222. Citizens' utility ratepayer board;establishment; composition;terms; organization; meetings; compensation and expenses; powers andduties.(a) There is hereby established a citizens' utilityratepayer board which shall consist of five members appointed bythe governor. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4315c, thegovernor shallappoint one member from each congressional district and the remainder from thestate at large. The members of the board shall serve for a term of fouryears.All vacancies in office of members so appointed shall be filled byappointment by the governor for theunexpired term of the member creating the vacancy.
(b) The board shall organize annually by theelection fromits membership of a chairperson and shall adopt suchrules ofprocedure as the board deems necessary for conducting its business.
(c) The board shall hold such meetings as in its judgment may benecessary for the performance of its powers, duties and functions.Appointive members of the board shall receive compensation, subsistenceallowances, mileage and other expenses for attending meetings of the boardas provided by K.S.A. 75-3223, and amendments thereto.
(d) The state corporation commission shall provide such technical andclerical staff assistance as may be requested by the board in theadministration of the provisions of this act.
(e) The board shall administer this act and shall have and may exercisethe following powers, duties and functions:
(1) Employ an attorney as a consumer counsel;
(2) guide the activities of the consumer counsel; and
(3) recommend legislation to the legislature which in the board'sjudgment would positively affect the interests of utility consumers.
History: L. 1989, ch. 162, § 3;L. 1991, ch. 205, § 1;L. 1992, ch. 262, § 6; July 1.