66-1226. Alternative fuels; coordination by commission; duties; report.(a) For the purpose of this section:
(1) "Commission" means the state corporation commission;
(2) "alternative fuel" means any fuel defined as alternative fuel by42 U.S.C.A. 13211(2).
(b) The commission shall coordinate and facilitate communication with otherstate agencies concerning alternative fuels and the duties provided for in thissection. The commission shall specifically communicate and cooperate with:
(1) The secretary of transportation or the secretary's designee;
(2) the secretary of administration or the secretary's designee;
(3) the secretary of revenue or the secretary's designee;
(4) the secretary of health and environment or the secretary's designee;
(5) a designee of the state board of education who has experience with, orknowledge about, school bus transportation; and
(6) the secretary of agriculture or the secretary's designee.
(c) The commission shall:
(1) Develop a time table for the conversion of motor vehicles fromconventional fuels to alternative fuels for the state of Kansas;
(2) develop criteria for which motor vehicles can or should be converted toalternative fuels;
(3) determine locales throughout the state with sufficient number ofstate-owned motor vehicles or fleet motor vehicles to make feasible appropriaterefueling systems;
(4) identify problems that need to be overcome and possible solutions forimplementing programs promoting alternativefueled motor vehicles;
(5) coordinate with the federal government, cities, counties, schooldistricts and private motor vehicle fleet owners regarding co-op fuelingstations, co-opted conversion functions and other alternative fuel matters toenable a cooperative atmosphere among such entities.
(6) develop a statewide plan and program for alternative fueled motorvehicles.
(d) The commission may invite private sector representatives of energyproduction industry, motor vehicle manufacturing industry, public utilityindustry or such other persons who can provide information on alternativefueledmotor vehicles to testify to or participate with the commission in exercisingits duties.
(e) The commission shall make a report to the governor and the legislatureon or before the first day of the regular legislative session of 1995. Suchreport shall include a report on the progress in obtaining the goalsestablished in subsection (c). The commission shall make its final report andrecommendations to the governor and the legislature on or before the first dayof the regular legislative session in 1996.
History: L. 1994, ch. 212, § 1; July 1.