66-1228. Same; disclosures required on sale of newresidence.(a) Except as provided by subsection (b), the person buildingor selling a previously unoccupied newresidential structurewhich is a single family or multifamily unit of four units or lessshall disclose to the buyer or aprospective buyer,prior to the signing of the contract to purchase andprior to closingif changes have occurred or are requested,and at any other time upon request,informationregarding theenergy efficiency of the structure.For new residential structures that are completed and suitable foroccupancy,but unsold, the completed disclosure form shall be made available to the buyeror aprospective buyer by the builder or seller when the residence is shown and atany other time upon request. The disclosure shall be madeon a form prepared anddisseminated by thestate corporation commission, which form shall be substantially as follows:
(b) If astructure is subject to both the national manufacturedhousing construction and safety standards act (42 U.S.C. 5403) and the federaltrade commission regulation on labeling and advertising of home insulation, 16CFR section 460.16, both as in effect on the effective date of this act, thebuilder or seller may disclose, instead of the information required bysubsection (a), the information regarding such structure that is required to bedisclosed pursuant to such federal actand regulation.
History: L. 1997, ch. 132, § 18;L. 2003, ch. 86, § 2;L. 2007, ch. 100, § 2; July 1.