66-1255. Requirements for notice to customers ofwater utilities under the jurisdiction of the state corporation commissionproposing rate increases.Each water utility over whichthe state corporation commission has jurisdiction which applies foran increase in rates or chargesdue to capital improvements, rate of return or cost of serviceshall provide a notice of such proposedincrease in rates or charges including, but not limited to, a comparisonof current andproposed rates and a description of the cost increase for a typical customer.Such notice shall be in boldface type and in no smaller print than 8-point typeand shall be included as a bill insert or bill message in the customer'sensuing monthly bill, or a separate mailing notifying customers,following the application and shall include a contact telephone number thecustomer may call to receive additional information concerning the rateincrease from the utility proposing such increase and a website address for thestate corporation commissionwith information about how a customer may intervene at the commission's ratehearing.
History: L. 2008, ch. 128, § 1; July 1.