66-1265. Same; utility requirements; tariff,contracts, meters, disclosure to customers.Each utility shall:
(a) Make net metering available to customer-generators ona first-come, first-served basis, until the total rated generating capacity ofall net metered systems equals orexceeds one percent ofthe utility's peak demand during the previous year. The commission mayincrease the total ratedgenerating capacity of all net metered systems to an amount above one percentafter conducting ahearing pursuant to K.S.A. 66-101d, and amendments thereto;
(b) offer to the customer-generator a tariff orcontract that is identical in electrical energyrates, rate structure and monthly charges to the contract or tariff that thecustomer would beassigned if the customer were not an eligible customer-generator and shall notcharge the customer-generator any additional standby, capacity, interconnectionor other fee or charge that would not otherwise be charged if the customer werenot an eligible customer-generator;
(c) provide a residential class bidirectional meter tothe customer-generator at no charge, but may charge the customer-generator forthe cost of anyadditional metering ordistributionequipment necessary to accommodate the customer-generator's facility; and
(d) disclose annually the availability of the net metering program to eachof its customerswith the method and manner of disclosure being at the discretion of theutility.
History: L. 2009, ch. 141, § 10; May 28.