66-1268. Same; net metered facilities; standards;limitation of liability for utility.(a) Net metered facilities must meetall applicablesafety, performance,interconnection and reliability standards established by the nationalelectrical code, the nationalelectrical safety code, the institute of electrical and electronics engineers,underwriters laboratories,the federal energy regulatory commission and any local governing authorities.A utility may requirethat a customer-generator's system contain a switch, circuit breaker, fuse orother easily accessible device or feature located in immediate proximity to thecustomer-generator's metering equipmentthat would allow a utility worker the ability to manually and instantlydisconnect the unit from theutility's electric distribution system.
(b) A utility may not require acustomer-generator whose net metering facility meets thestandards in subsection (a) to comply with additional safety or performancestandards or perform orpay for additional tests or purchase additional liability insurance. A utilityshall not be liabledirectly or indirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of anet metered facility orfor the acts or omissions of the customer-generator that cause loss or injury,including death, to anythird party.
History: L. 2009, ch. 141, § 13; May 28.