66-1505. Filing objections to assessment; hearing; collection ofdelinquent assessments.Within 15 days after the date of the mailing of any notice ofassessment as provided by K.S.A. 66-1502 and 66-1503 and amendmentsthereto, the public utilityor common carrier against which such assessmenthas been made may file with the commission objections setting out indetail the ground upon which such objector regardssuch assessment to beexcessive, erroneous, unlawful or invalid. The commission, after noticeto the objector, shall hold a hearing inaccordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure actupon such objections. Thecommission shall determine if the assessment or any part of the assessment isexcessive, erroneous, unlawful or invalid and shall render an orderupholding, invalidating or amending the assessment. An amended assessmentshall have in all ways the same force and effect as though it were anoriginal assessment.
If any assessment against which objections have been filed shall notbe paid within 10 days after service of an orderfinding that such objectionshave been overruled and disallowed by the commission, the commission shall give notice ofsuch delinquency to the state treasurer and to the objector, in themanner provided in K.S.A. 66-1504 and amendments thereto. The statetreasurer shall thenproceed to collect the amount of such assessment as provided in K.S.A.66-1504 and amendments thereto. If an amended assessment is not paidwithin 10 days afterservice of the order of the commission,the commission shall notify the state treasurer and the objector as inthe case of delinquency in the payment of an original assessment. Thestate treasurer shall then proceed to collect the amount of suchassessment as provided in the case of an original assessment.
History: L. 1935, ch. 267, § 4;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 269; July 1, 1989.