66-1511. Investigations and hearings; examiners and referees; powers;records; reports; orders of decisions, effect; reconsideration, when.The state corporation commission is hereby authorized to designate orappoint from among its employees, examiners and referees to makeinvestigations and conduct hearings that arerequired of the commission bylaw. The order appointing such examiners or referees shall be made inwriting and shall be filed in the proceedings of the case. Suchinvestigations and hearings shall be made and conducted as and in themanner and at the place directed by the commission. Such examiners andreferees shall have power to administer oaths in the making ofinvestigations or conducting of hearings and the commission may provide fora record to be made of any hearing or investigation. The examiners andreferees shall report their findings and recommendations to the commission.
The commission may consider the evidence and record introduced before ormade by the examiners and referees or if it so desires the commission mayhear additional evidence and hold further hearings or make furtherinvestigations. The order or decision of the commission shall have the sameforce and effect as though the entire hearing and investigation had beenheld before the commission. After a matter has been so heard and decided,any party filing timely petition forreconsideration as provided by statuteand requesting an opportunity to have such party's petition for reconsideration heardorally by the commission, shall be afforded opportunity for oral argumentbefore the commission at a time set by the commission within20 days from the date of such party'spetition for reconsideration.
History: L. 1939, ch. 291, § 1; L. 1959, ch. 259, § 1; L.1970, ch. 268, § 2;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 270; L. 1989, ch. 283, § 25; July 1.