66-1804. Notice of intent of excavation.(a) Except in the case of an emergency, anexcavator shall serve noticeof intent of excavation at least two full working days, but not more than 15calendar days before the scheduled excavation start date, on eachoperatorhaving underground tier 1 facilities located in theproposed area of excavation.
(b) An excavator may serve notice of intent of excavation at least twofull working days, but not more than 15 calendar days before the scheduledexcavation start date, on each operator of tier 2 facilities located in theproposed area of excavation.
(c) The notice of intent to excavate or any subsequentupdates shall bevalid for 15 calendar days after the excavation start date and such noticeshall only describe an area in which the proposed excavation reasonably can becompleted within the 15 calendar days.
(d) No person shall make repeated requests for remarkingunless the requestis due to circumstances not reasonably within the control of such person.
(e) The notice of intent of excavation shall contain thename, address and telephone number of the person filing the notice of intent,the name of the excavator, the date the excavation activity is to commence andthe type of excavation being planned. The notice shall also contain thespecific location of the excavation.
(f) The person filing the notice of intent to excavateshall, at therequest of the operator, whiteline theproposed excavation site when the excavation location cannotbe described with sufficient detail to enable the operator to ascertain thelocation of the proposed excavation.
(g) The provisions of this section shall not apply to apreengineered project or a permitted project, except that the excavators shallbe required to give notification in accordance with this section prior tostarting such project.
History: L. 1993, ch. 217, § 4;L. 2002, ch. 41, § 2;L. 2008, ch. 122, § 6; July 1, 2009.