66-524. Railroad policemen; appointment; approval by attorney general;power and authority.Any railroad company may appoint one (1) or more persons to bedesignated by such railroad company as a railroad policeman to aid andsupplement the law enforcement agencies of this state in the protection ofrailroad property and the protection of the persons and property ofrailroad passengers and employees: Provided, That the appointment ofany such person as a railroad policeman shall be subject to the approval ofthe attorney general of this state or any person that he might designatefor such purpose. While engaged in the conduct of his employment, eachrailroad policeman so appointed shall possess and exercise all lawenforcement powers in every city and county of this state which areprescribed by law for the sheriffs of the several counties and for thepolice officers and city marshals of any city. Each railroad policemanshall carry upon his person at all times while engaged in the conduct ofhis duties an identification card setting forth the date of his appointmentand signed by the attorney general or his designated agent.
History: L. 1969, ch. 181, § 1; July 1.