68-1034. Designation of part of U.S. highway 73 and K-7 as the AmeliaEarhart memorial highway.From the junction of United States highway 24and United States highway 40 with United States highway 73 and highway K-7,United States highway 73 and highway K-7 north to the eastern junction withUnited States highway 59 in the city of Atchison, United States highway 73west to the junctionwith United States highway 159, is hereby designated as the AmeliaEarhart memorial highway. The secretary of transportation shall placemarkers along the highway right-of-way at proper intervals to indicate thatthe highway is the Amelia Earhart memorial highway. The secretary oftransportation may accept and administer gifts and donations to aid inobtaining suitable highway signs bearing the proper approved inscription.
History: L. 1987, ch. 261, § 1; July 1.