68-1038. Designation and marking of the Frontier Military scenic byway.From the junction of highway K-5 with United States highway73 and highway K-7, south on highway K-5 to the junction with Interstatehighway 435, south on Interstate highway 435 to the junction with UnitedStates highway 69, south on United States highway 69to the junction with United States highway 69 alternate, then south onUnited States highway 69 alternateto the Kansas-Oklahomaline, such route is hereby designatedas the Frontier Military scenic byway. The secretary of transportation shallplace markers along the highway right-of-way at proper intervals toindicate that the highway is the Frontier Military scenic byway. The secretaryof transportation may accept and administer gifts and donations to aid inobtaining and installing suitable highway signs.
History: L. 1990, ch. 249, § 1; July 1.