68-1064. Designation of part of K-96 as the SenatorBob Dole by-pass.From the junction of highway K-96 with United Stateshighway 50, then north on highway K-96 north to the junction of highway K-96and Wilson road, is hereby designated as the Senator Bob Dole by-pass. Thesecretary of transportation shall place signs along the highway right-of-way atproper intervals to indicate that the highway is the Senator Bob Dole by-pass,except that such signs shall not be placed until the secretary has receivedsufficient moneys from gifts and donations to reimburse the secretary for thecost of placing such signs and an additional 50% of the initial costs to defrayfuture maintenance and replacement cost of such signs.The secretary of transportationmay accept and administer gifts and donations to aid in obtaining andinstalling suitable signs.
History: L. 2004, ch. 86, § 9; July 1.