68-1101. Definitions; concrete overflow bridge or ford as bridge.Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise the following words shallhave the meanings herein ascribed to them wherever they appear inchapter 68 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and acts amendatory thereofor supplemental thereto:
(1) The word "bridge" shall mean a structure having a clear span ofmore than twenty (20) feet, measured along the center line of the roadbetween the inside faces of end supports, and multiple-span structureswhere the sum of the individual clear spans plus the aggregate width ofthe intermediate support or supports is in excess of twenty (20) feet;
(2) the word "culvert" shall mean any waterway structure not definedas a bridge;
(3) the word "subway" shall mean a clear opening for public highwaytravel under a bridge or trestlework;
(4) the word "structure" shall mean either a bridge, a culvert or asubway.
For the purposes of this chapter, a concrete overflow bridge or fordforty (40) feet or more in length shall be considered a bridge, and maybe constructed and maintained in accordance with the laws relating tothe construction and maintenance of bridges; and any concrete overflowbridge or for less than forty (40) feet in length shall be considered aculvert and may be constructed and maintained in the manner provided bylaw for the construction and maintenance of culverts.
History: L. 1917, ch. 80, § 1; L. 1919, ch. 97, § 1; R.S. 1923, 68-1101; L.1961, ch. 299, § 23; June 30.