68-1104. Construction and maintenance of bridges and culverts on countyand township roads; payment of cost.The board of county commissioners shall construct, reconstruct, repairand maintain all county bridges and county culverts located on countyroads and township roads and the cost of such work shall be paid fromthe bridge fund of the county. All township culverts shall beconstructed, reconstructed, repaired and maintained by the townshipboard of highway commissioners and the cost of such work shall be paidfrom the road fund of the township. Except as hereinafter provided,all approaches to culverts andbridges on township roads shall be constructed, reconstructed, andmaintained by the township board of highway commissioners and the costof such work shall be paid from the road fund of the township, exceptthat where the payment of the costsof constructing suchapproaches has been authorized by a majority vote of the electors of thecounty in which such township is located prior to the effective date ofthis act, said cost of construction shall be paid from the county'sbridge fund, within the limit of moneys authorized by such election. Theboard of county commissioners may elect to pay, from the bridge fund ofthe county, for the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of any approachto a culvert or bridge on a township road, in which event the township boardof highway commissioners shall not be responsible therefor.
History: L. 1917, ch. 80, § 4; L. 1919, ch. 98, § 3; L. 1921,ch. 85, § 1; L.1923, ch. 75, § 2; R.S. 1923, 68-1104; L. 1927, ch. 254, § 1; L. 1970,ch. 274, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 274, § 1; July 1.