68-1126. Unsafe bridges or culverts; condemnation; report ofcondition; repair or reconstruction.Whenever the county engineer deems any bridge or culvert unsafe fortraffic, he shall condemn the same and shall cause to be put up at each endof such structure in a substantial manner a notice, which shall be printedin conspicuous letters with the following words, "condemned by the countyengineer," with his signature to same, and shall, if necessary, erectstructures sufficient to prevent travel upon such condemned bridge. Thecounty engineer or township trustee shall immediately report the conditionof said bridge or culvert to the county or township board, as the case maybe, with his recommendations as to what improvements are necessary, andsuch board shall commence at once the proceedings necessary to repair orreconstruct the same.
History: L. 1917, ch. 80, § 26; R.S. 1923, 68-1126; L. 1972, ch. 248, § 6;July 1.