68-1226. Same; warrants for construction, reconstruction andrepair; limitations.The board of county commissioners of any such county is herebyauthorized and empowered to issue no-fund warrants during the period ofnot to exceed three years for the purpose of providing revenue to beused for the construction, reconstruction and repair of bridges and theapproaches thereto at a cost to be determined by the county engineer'sestimate not to exceed fifty thousand dollars per bridge, to replacebridges in the county road system which have been destroyed, damaged, orrendered impassable by flood, high water, fire or other casualty. Nomore than fifty thousand dollars of said no-fund warrants shall beissued in any one year; and not more than one hundred thousand dollarsof such warrants shall be issued by said board of county commissionersduring the three-year period.
History: L. 1947, ch. 355, § 2; April 4.