68-2021. Contracts between secretary of transportation and theauthority as to preliminary project studies and investigations; terms.The secretary of transportation and the Kansas turnpike authority arehereby authorized and empowered to contract with each other, by the termsof which contract or contracts the secretary may undertake (1) to providepersonnel and equipment, either of the department of transportation orconsulting or contracting firms, required in making any traffic and coststudies or surveys or origin-destination studies necessary preliminary tofinancing by the Kansas turnpike authority of any particular toll projectundertaken as authorized by law, and to do such work;
(2) to provide personnel and equipment required, and to do anyengineering, geological work, soils testing or materials testing which maybe required by the Kansas turnpike authority either preliminary to thefinancing of any particular toll project authorized by law or which may berequired after such financing and during the construction of such project:Provided, That charges for services contemplated by such project shallbe made by the secretary of transportation on the basis of the total andactual cost to the department of all wages, salaries, expenses, equipmentrental, damage to equipment, depreciation or other charges and expenseschargeable to the services to be rendered to the Kansas turnpike authority:Provided further, That the total amount of any credit and fundsadvanced hereunder shall not at any one time exceed the sum of two hundredfifty thousand dollars ($250,000).
History: L. 1955, ch. 305, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 427, §176; Aug. 15.