68-2066. Project to become part of state highway system afterretirement of bonds; operation by secretary of transportation;continuation of tolls, when.When all bonds issued under the provisions of this act in connectionwith the turnpike project and the interest thereon shall have been paidor a sufficient amount for the payment of all bonds and the interestthereon to the maturity thereof shall have been set aside in trust forthe benefit of the bondholders, the project, if then in good conditionand repair, shall become a part of the state highway system and shallthereafter be maintained by the department of transportation. Thesecretary of transportation, when the project becomes a part of thestate highway system, shall have the same power as vested in theauthority by K.S.A. 68-2058, to fix, revise, charge andcollect tolls for the use of the turnpike project and to contract forthe use of any part thereof and to fix the terms, conditions, rents andrates of charges for such use, and such tolls, rents and rates ofcharges shall be sufficient to provide enough revenue to maintain,repair, operate, regulate and police the project.
History: L. 1967, ch. 356, § 16; L. 1975, ch. 427, §190; Aug. 15.