68-2315. Report to legislature by secretary oftransportation.Annually, prior to the 10th day of each regular session ofthe legislature, the secretary of transportation shall submit a writtenreport to the governor and each member of the legislature providing:
(a) Summary financial information and a statement of assurance that thedepartment of transportation hasprepared a comprehensive financial report ofall funds for the preceding yearwhich includes a report by independent publicaccountants attestingthat the financial statements present fairly the financial position of theKansas department of transportation in conformity with generally acceptedaccounting principles and a notification that the complete comprehensivefinancial report, including theauditor's report is available uponrequest;
(b) a detailed explanation of the methods or criteria employed in theselection ofsubstantial maintenance and construction projects and in the awarding ofassistance to cities, counties or other transportation providers;
(c) the proposed allocation and expenditure of moneys and proposed workplan for the current fiscal year and at least the next five years;
(d) information concerning system enhancements, construction workcompleted in the precedingfiscal year and construction work in progress;
(e) information concerning the operation and financial condition of thetransportation revolving fund;
(f) the annual allocation and expenditure of moneys from the coordinatedpublic transportation assistance fund under K.S.A. 75-5035, and amendmentsthereto;
(g) the annual allocation and expenditure of moneys from the rail serviceimprovement fund under K.S.A. 75-5048, and amendments thereto, includingspecific information relating to any grants or loans made under such program;
(h) the annual allocation and expenditure of moneys from the public usegeneral aviation airport development fund under K.S.A. 75-5061, and amendmentsthereto, including specific information relating to grants made under suchprogram;
(i) specific recommendations for any statutory changesnecessary for thesuccessful completion of the comprehensive transportation program specifiedin K.S.A. 68-2314a orefficient and effective operation of the Kansas department of transportation;and
(j) an explanation of any material changes from theprevious annual report.
History: L. 1989, ch. 209, § 2;L. 1999, ch. 137, § 14;L. 2006, ch. 108, § 1; July 1.