68-413a. Same; conveyance of title to oil and gas in place topresent landowners; exceptions.The state of Kansas does herewith and hereby convey all right, title andinterest in and to all oil and gas in place, in and under any and allright-of-way, heretofore obtained in the name of the state highwaycommission of the state of Kansas, by purchase, dedication orcondemnation for state highway purposes as authorized by K.S.A. 68-413,and acquired pursuant to article 1, chapter 26 of the KansasStatutes Annotated and any amendments thereto, which have not otherwisebeen disposed of as provided by law, to the present owners of the landof which it was originally a part, save and except a right-of-wayeasement for highway purposes for all such lands, and an easement rightto water, gravel, stone, sand or other material, or to spoil banks orborrow pits, or any bed, pit, quarry or other places where gravel,stone, water or other material may be located, which is now inpossession of or has been acquired by the state of Kansas forconstruction, improvement, reconstruction, maintenance, or drainage ofthe state highway: Provided, however, That where the state ofKansas or the state highway commission has heretofore acquired title toreal estate by warranty deed for any highway purpose or by purchase,dedication or condemnation for sites for the construction of buildingsor any improvement thereon necessarily incident to the operation,maintenance and supervision of a system of state highways, the feesimple title, from and after the effective date of this act, shall beand remain vested in the state of Kansas.
History: L. 1951, ch. 382, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 426,§ 55; Aug. 15.