68-435. Same; election, when.The board of county commissioners of any county may submit the questionof issuing general obligation bonds of the countyas authorized by K.S.A. 68-434 to the electorsat an election called by such board at any time and held thereon, and anysuch board shall be required to submit such question upon submission ofa petition signed by electors of such county equal in number to not lessthan 10% of the electors of such county who voted at the last precedinggeneral election for the office of secretary of state, or upon receivingresolutions requesting such an election passed by not less than 2/3 of themembership of the governing body of each of one or more cities within suchcounty which contains a population of not less than 25% of the entire populationof the county, or upon receiving resolutions requesting such an electionpassed by 2/3 of the membership of the governing body of each of one ormore taxing subdivisions within such county which levy not less than 25%of the property taxes levied by all taxing subdivisions within the county.
History: L. 1983, ch. 227, § 3; July 1.