68-520. County road work by or without contract; machinery andequipment; plans and specifications to be filed.The board of county commissioners may, in constructing, surfacing,repairing or maintaining the county roads, let contracts for all or anypart of such work, or said board may buy the materials and contract allor any part of the labor, or may purchase or rent machinery and otherequipment, and employ labor, under the direction of the county engineer:Provided, That before beginning to construct, surface or repair anyroad by day labor, the approved plans and specifications and an estimateof the cost must be filed in the office of the county clerk. On allday-labor work the county engineer shall keep an accurate itemizedaccount of the expenditures for labor, materials and work performed andfile a sworn statement of the same in the office of the county clerk atthe end of each month, and a final statement when the work is completed.
History: L. 1917, ch. 264, § 27; March 7; R.S. 1923, 68-520.