68-702. Contents of petition under 68-701.The petition shall designate the road or roads to be improved by nameand by terminal points and other specially fixed locations, the landswithin the proposed benefit district, the type or types of permanentimprovement, and width or widths of roadway desired, which types or widthsmay be different for different sections of the road, and the number ofannual assessments to be levied upon the lands in the benefit district inpayment thereof, which shall be not less than ten nor more than twenty. Thepetition may specify more than one type or width of road, and may improveany types that may be acceptable for federal aid, and a maximum and minimumnumber of annual assessments, leaving the final choice to the board ofcounty commissioners, subject to the approval of the secretary oftransportation: Provided, That where the petition specifies a certaintype of road, if such petitions be allowed, the type of road shall be ofthe type in said petition set forth: Provided, however, That saidpetition may request gravel alone, in which event only gravel shall beused.
History: L. 1909, ch. 201, § 2; L. 1917, ch. 265, § 2; L. 1919, ch. 246, § 2;R.S. 1923, 68-702; L. 1933, ch. 242, § 2; L.1975, ch. 427, § 128; Aug. 15.