68-729. Improvement of roads in platted areas outside cities; petition;resolution; publication.If, in any county having a populationof more than 20,000, a petition is filed inaccordance with K.S.A. 68-728 for an improvement for which a special taxis to be levied and the board deems it necessary to make the improvement,the board of county commissioners shall, by resolution, declare such improvementnecessary to be done. Such resolution shall bepublished once in the official paper of thecounty and shall be sent by certified mail to the owners of the propertyliable for taxation for the improvement, at the address where the owner'stax statement is sent. If the owners of more than 1/2the property liablefor taxation, for the improvement do not, within20 days from such lastpublication, file with the county clerk their protest against suchimprovement, the board of county commissioners shall have power to causesuch roads and highways to be constructed or built, to contracttherefor and to levy taxes as provided by law. The work may be donebefore, during or after the collection of the special assessment, as deemedproper by the board of county commissioners.
As used in this section, "improvement" means curbing, guttering, paving,macadamizing, grading, recurbing, reguttering, repaving, remacadamizingor regrading a public road outside any incorporated city.
History: L. 1927, ch. 258, § 2; L. 1981, ch. 173, § 74; July 1.