72-116 Entitlement to admission to stateeducational institutions; requirements.(a) Any person whograduates fromany highschool accredited by the state board of education and who meets theadmission requirements established by the state board of regents pursuantto K.S.A. 76-717, and amendments thereto, shall be entitled toadmission to the freshman class of the stateeducational institutions which are under the control andsupervision of the state board of regents upon presenting astatementcontaining a transcript of the high school record of the person signed by theprincipal of the school or superintendent of the school district andcertifying that the person has satisfactorily completed the courserequirements of the state board of education necessary for graduationfrom high school.
(b) Any person who is a resident of the state of Kansas,whograduates from an accredited high school located outside the state of Kansasand who meets theadmission requirements established by the state board of regents pursuant toK.S.A. 76-717, andamendments thereto, for persons who have graduated from an accredited Kansashigh schoolshall be entitled to admission to the freshman class of the state educationalinstitutions which areunder the control and supervision of the state board of regents upon presentinga statementcontaining a transcript of the high school record of the person signed by theprincipal of theschool or superintendent of the school district and certifying that the personhas satisfactorilycompleted the course requirements necessary forgraduation fromhigh school.
History: L.1945, ch. 282, § 11;L. 1969, ch. 309, § 1;L. 1977, ch. 237, § 4;L. 1996, ch. 110, § 1;L. 2006, ch. 168, § 8; July 1.