72-130. High school activities association; board of directors,executive board, appeal board; articles and bylaws; reports;classification system; executive director and personnel; application of openmeetings law and open records law.(a) Any association with a majority of the high schools of the state asmembers and the purpose of which association is the statewide regulation,supervision, promotion and development of any of the activities defined inK.S.A. 72-133, and amendments thereto, and in which any public high school ofthis state may participate directly or indirectly shall:
(1) On or before September 1 of each year make a full report of itsoperation for the preceding calendar year to the state board of education. Thereport shall contain a complete and detailed financial statement under thecertificate of a certified public accountant.
(2) File with the state board a copy of all reports and publications issuedfrom time to time by such association.
(3) Be governed by a board of directors which shall exercise thelegislative authority of the association and shall establish policy forthe association.
(4) Submit to the state board of education, for its approval or disapprovalprior to adoption, any amendments, additions, alterations or modifications ofits articles of incorporation or bylaws. If any articles of incorporation,bylaws or any amendment, addition or alteration thereto is disapproved by thestate board of education, the same shall not be adopted.
(5) Establish a system for the classification of member high schoolsaccording to student attendance.
(6) Be subject to the provisions of the Kansas open meetings law.
(7) Be subject to the provisions of the open records law.
(b) The board of directors shall consist of not less than 60 members. Atleast eight directors shall be members of boards of education, elected by localboards of education. At least two of such directors shall be elected from eachcongressional district of the state. At least two directors shall berepresentatives of the state board of education, appointed by the state board.Directors who are representatives of the senior high schools which areaffiliated with a league shall be elected by the league. The senior highschools which are not affiliated with a league shall be represented by at leastone director. At least four directors shall be representatives of themiddle/junior high schools, elected by the middle/junior high schools.At least one director shall be representative of and selected by athleticadministrators. At least one director shall be representative of and selectedby coaches. At least one director shall be representative of and selected byspeech communications educators. At least one director shall be representativeof and selected by music educators. At least one director shall berepresentative of and selected by scholars' bowl coaches. Upon selection of theforegoing directors, the state board of education shall be provided with a listof such directors. In order to attain, when necessary, and insofar aspossible, representation of ethnic minority groups and both genders on theboard of directors, the state board shall appoint not more than four additionaldirectors from the public at large. All directors are limited to sixconsecutive years of service.
(c) An executive board which shall be responsible for the administration,enforcement and interpretation of policy established by the board of directorsshall be elected by the board of directors from its membership. Insofar aspossible, membership on the executive board shall be representative of ethnicminority groups, both genders, and all geographical areas of the state.
(d) An appeal board which shall be responsible for conducting hearingsprovided for in K.S.A. 72-134, and amendments thereto, shall be elected asprovided in this subsection. The appeal board shall consist of eight members. The membership of the appeal board shall include four members who are board ofeducation members, elected by the boards of education of the member schools ofthe association; and four members who are school administrators, elected by themember schools of the association. No member of the board of directors shallbe eligible for election to membership on the appeal board. All members ofthe appeal board are limited to six consecutive years of service.
(e) The executive board is authorized to employ an executivedirector and such other personnel as may be necessary to theexercise of the powers and the performance of the functions and duties of theboard of directors, the executive board, and the appeal board.The executive director and all other personnel, except custodial, clerical ormaintenance personnel, employed by the executive board pursuant to thissubsection, shall file written statements of substantial interests, as providedby K.S.A. 46-248 through 46-252, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1955, ch. 341, § 1; L. 1957, ch. 375, § 1; L. 1969,ch. 311, § 1; L. 1977, ch. 239, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 261, § 2;L. 1992, ch. 262, § 7;L. 1993, ch. 245, § 1; July 1.