72-1101. Required subjects in elementary schools.Every accredited elementary school shall teach reading, writing,arithmetic, geography, spelling, English grammar and composition,history of the United States and of the state of Kansas, civilgovernment and the duties of citizenship, health and hygiene, togetherwith such other subjects as the state board may determine. The stateboard shall be responsible for the selection of subject matter withinthe several fields of instruction and for its organization into coursesof study and instruction for the guidance of teachers, principals andsuperintendents.
History: R.S. 1923, 72-1101; L. 1943, ch. 248, § 37; L. 1945,ch. 282, § 57; L. 1968, ch. 20, § 1; L. 1972, ch. 253, § 1; L.1979, ch. 220, § 11; July 1.