72-1110. Census of children in school district; authority of boards ofeducation.The board of education of each school district may cause an annualcensus to be taken of all children under the age of twenty-one yearsresiding in the district as of the first day of January. Such census mayshow separately the number of children under the age of five years, thenumber between the ages of five and twenty-one, and the date of birth ofall such children and such other information relating to such children asmay be provided for by law or under rules and regulations adopted by thestate board of education. Such information may be ascertained by means ofpersonal interviews with the families of children living in the district.Boards of education may use any other reasonable method of ascertainingsuch information.
History: L. 1951, ch. 395, § 73; L. 1957, ch. 394, § 1; L. 1961, ch. 337, §1; L. 1965, ch. 410, § 13; L. 1969, ch. 310, § 10; July 1.