72-1205. Free tests required; when and by whom tests performed; reportsto parents.(a) Every pupil enrolled in a school district or an accredited nonpublicschool shall be provided basic hearing screening without charge during thefirst year of admission and notless than once every three years thereafter.
(b) Every pupil enrolled in a school district shall be provided basichearing screening by the board of education of the school district in whichthe pupil resides and is enrolled.
(c) Every pupil in an accredited nonpublic school shall be provided basichearing screening either (1) by the board of education of the accreditednonpublic school in which the pupil is enrolled, or (2) upon request thereforby the pupil's parent or guardian, by the board of education of the schooldistrict in which the pupil resides. No board of education of a school districtshall be required to provide basic hearing screening outside the schooldistrict. If the accredited nonpublic school in which the pupil is enrolledis located within the school district, basic hearing screening shall be providedin the nonpublic school. If the accredited nonpublic school in which thepupil is enrolled is located outside the school district, basic hearingscreening shall be provided in a school of the school district.
(d) All tests shall beperformed by a person competent in the use of a calibrated audiometerand who has been designated by the board of education which provides thebasic hearing screening. The results of the testand, if necessary, the desirability of examinations by a qualifiedphysician shall be reported to the parents or guardians of such pupils.
History: L. 1969, ch. 361, § 2; L. 1981, ch. 279, § 2; July 1.