72-1412. Definitions.As used in K.S.A. 72-1412 through 72-1415 and amendments thereto:
(a) "Mentor teacher program" means a program established and maintained bythe board of education of a school district for the purpose of providingprobationary teachers with professional support and the continuous assistanceof an on-site mentor teacher.
(b) "Mentor teacher" means a certificated teacher who has completed at leastthree consecutive school years of employment in the school district, hasbeen selected by the board of education of the school district on the basis ofhaving demonstrated exemplary teaching ability as indicated by criteriaestablished bythe state board of education, and has participated in and successfullycompleted a training program for mentor teachers provided for by the board ofeducation of the school district in accordance with guidelines prescribed bythe stateboard of education. The primary function of a mentor teacher shall be toprovide probationary teachers with professional support and assistance. Amentorteacher may provide assistance and guidance to not more than two probationaryteachers.
(c) "Probationary teacher" means a certificated teacher to whom theprovisions of K.S.A. 72-5438 through 72-5443, and amendments thereto, do notapply.
History: L. 2000, ch. 138, § 3; July 1.