72-1414. Administration of programs; rules andregulations; evaluation and approval; grants, determination of amounts andaward.(a) On or before January 1, 2001, the state board ofeducation shall adopt rules andregulations for the administration of mentor teacher programs and shall:
(1) Establish standards and criteria for evaluating and approving mentorteacher programs and applications of school districtsfor grants;
(2) evaluate and approve mentor teacher programs;
(3) establish criteria for determination of exemplary teaching ability ofcertificated teachers for qualification as mentorteachers;
(4) prescribe guidelines for the selection by boards of education of mentorteachers and for the provision by boards of education of training programs formentor teachers;
(5) be responsible for awarding grants to school districts; and
(6) request of and receive from each school district which is awarded a grantfor maintenance of a mentor teacher program reports containinginformation with regard to the effectiveness of the program.
(b) Subject to the availability of appropriations for mentor teacherprograms maintained by school districts, and within the limits of any suchappropriations, the state board of education shalldetermine the amount of grants to be awarded school districtsby multiplying an amount not to exceed $1,000 by the number of mentorteachers participating in the program maintained by a school district.The product is the amount of the grant to be awardedto the district. Upon receipt ofa grant of state moneys for maintenance of a mentor teacherprogram, the amount of the grant shall be deposited in the generalfund of the school district. Moneys deposited in the general fund of a schooldistrict under this subsection shall be considered reimbursements for thepurpose of the school district finance and quality performance act.The full amount of the grant shall be allocated among the mentor teachersemployed by the school district so as to provide a mentor teacher with anannual stipend in an amount not to exceed $1,000.Such annual stipend shall be over and above the regular salary towhich the mentor teacher is entitled for the school year.
History: L. 2000, ch. 138, § 5; July 1.