72-1623a. Same; tax levy.(a) In order to maintain and support a library authorized by K.S.A. 72-1623,and amendments thereto, the board of education may levy annually, notto exceed 2.5 mills on each dollar of the assessedtangible valuation of the property of such district in addition to anylevy otherwise authorized or by law provided, and the ad valoremreceipts resulting therefrom may be in addition to any budget limitationotherwise provided for. The funds derived fromthe tax levies imposed under this section shallbe used for libraries and library services of the school district andfor the purpose of paying a portion of the principal and interest onbonds issued by cities under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774,and amendments thereto, for the financing of redevelopment projects uponproperty located within the school district.
(b) Whenever the board of education desires to increase the mill levyabove 2.5 mills and such board determines thatthe current tax levyis insufficient to maintain and support the library, such board may adopta resolution declaring it necessary to increase such annual levy in an amountwhich together with the current levy shall not exceed a total of 4 mills. Whenever the board of education desires to increase the mill levy above 4mills and such board determines that the currenttax levy isinsufficient to maintain and support the library, such board may adopt aresolution declaring it necessary to increase such annual levy by anadditional amount not to exceed 1/4 mill in any one year up to a totalamount which shall not exceed 6 mills in any year. Anysuch resolution shall state the total amount of the tax to be levied forlibrary purposes and shall be published once each week for two consecutiveweeks in the official city newspaper. Whereupon such annual levy in an amountnot to exceed the amount stated in the resolution may be made for the ensuingbudget year and each successive budget year unless a petition requestingan election upon the proposition to increase the tax levy in excess of thecurrent tax levy, signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors whovoted at the last preceding regular city election, as shown by the pollbooks, is filed with the county election officer within 60 days followingthe date of the last publication of the resolution.If a validpetition is filed, no such increased levy shall be made without suchpropositionhaving been submitted to and having been approved by a majority of thequalifiedelectors voting at an election called and held thereon. All such electionsshall be called and held in the manner prescribed for the calling and holdingof elections upon the question of the issuance of bonds under the general bondlaw.
History: L. 1965, ch. 426, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 52, § 168; L. 1981,ch. 280, § 1;L. 1985, ch. 239, § 1;L. 2003, ch. 104, § 2; July 1.