72-1762. Same; disability annuities; medical examinations.Any school employee who has been credited under the rules andregulations of such board of education with an aggregate of fifteen (15) ormore years of school service to said board may be retired by such board ofeducation on account of disability or incapacity, physical or otherwise.Any school employee so retired shall be entitled to receive a disabilityannuity from such retirement fund, during the period of retirement in equalmonthly installments, beginning the month following such retirement. Theannual aggregate shall be one-half (1/2) of the average annual salary forany five (5) years in which the highest compensation was received duringthe last ten (10) years of service to said board of education multiplied bya fraction of which the denominator is thirty (30) and the numerator is thenumber of years of school service credited to such employee, and multipliedfurther by a fraction of which the denominator is thirty (30) and numeratoris thirty (30) minus one and one-half (1 1/2) times the number of yearswhich the employee's age at retirement lacks of being sixty (60):Provided, That in no case shall the numerator of the first-mentionedfraction be more than thirty (30) and the numerator of the last-mentionedfraction be less than ten (10): Provided further, Prior school serviceshall be credited to the school employee's service record up to andincluding, but not in excess of twenty (20) years before September 1, 1939.
The board is authorized to provide for medical examinations and tosecure other evidence at the expense of the retirement fund for any schoolemployee retired by such board of education on account of disability orincapacity, physical or otherwise. Such medical examinations shall berepeated at least once in every three (3) years, and may be ordered at anytime until the annuitant attains age sixty (60). In case any personreceiving a disability annuity shall recover, or if he shall refuse to beexamined, then the disability annuity shall cease. In case any personreceives a disability annuity and later recovers and returns to schoolservice, the service records of that person shall include all schoolservice, both before and after disability.
History: L. 1939, ch. 264, § 5; L. 1943, ch. 252, § 2; L. 1949, ch. 367, § 2;L. 1963, ch. 360, § 2; L. 1967, ch. 384, § 3; July 1.