72-1764a. Same; credit for service in armed forces; payment ofcontributions.Any school employee whose school service is interrupted at any time orhas been interrupted subsequent to September 1, 1939, for involuntaryservice in the armed forces of the United States or, in time of war, forvoluntary service in the armed forces of the United States, may, within oneyear after his return to the status of a school employee, or within oneyear after this act is in effect, upon application to the board ofeducation, receive credit for the school service years otherwise lost byhis service in the armed forces of the United States, by paying to theretirement fund the contributions he would have paid had he remained anemployee of the board of education, the contributions to be computed on thebasis of payments made during those years by employees in similar positionsremaining in the service of the board of education. The board of educationshall have the right to make provisions for receiving payment of such sumsin installments within a period of not more than three years following dateof application, by agreement with the employee.
History: L. 1949, ch. 367, § 4; June 30.