72-1784. Same; refund to employee; voluntary retirement; payment toheirs, when.If any time any such board of education employee who is willing tocontinue is not re-employed or is discharged before the time when he or shewould, under the provisions of this act, be entitled to a pension, thensuch employee shall be paid back at once the money he or she may havecontributed under this act. Any such employee who shall retire voluntarilyfrom the service shall receive a refund of one-half of the money he or sheshall have contributed under this act. Should any such employee die beforereceiving any of the benefits or pensions by this act provided, the boardof education shall pay to such employee's heirs or estate the full amount,without interest, which shall have been paid into such pension fund by saidemployee.
History: L. 1941, ch. 339, § 5; June 30.