72-17,124. Same; refunds authorized in certain cases.The board of education of any school district which is operating asupplemental retirement system under the provisions of K.S.A.72-17,117 to 72-17,123, both sections inclusive, for the purpose of continuingits retirement systemsestablished under any of the provisions of K.S.A. 72-1726 to 72-1734,both sections inclusive, or K.S.A. 72-1780 to 72-17,107, both sectionsinclusive, which has in its employteachers or school employees who were members of any such retirementsystems prior to September 1, 1941, may, in its discretion, byresolution duly passed, provide that if any such teacher or schoolemployee has been or shall be retired in or after the year 1965, andupon such retirement was or is not entitled to any supplementalretirement benefits payable from its supplemental retirement fund, thensuch retired teacher or school employee shall be entitled to a refund ofall contributions made by him prior to September 1, 1941, to theretirement fund of any retirement system established under said K.S.A.72-1726 to 72-1734, both sections inclusive, or K.S.A. 72-1780 to72-17,107, both sections inclusive.Said refunds shall be paid to such retired teacher or school employeeout of the supplemental retirement fund of said school district.Expenditures made under authority of this act by any school districtshall not apply in determining any limitation under K.S.A. 1965 Supp.72-7015 [*], as amended by section 1 of chapter 9 of 1966 specialsession laws.
History: L. 1967, ch. 386, § 1; July 1.