72-3603. Parent education; definitions.As used in this act:
(a) "Board" means the board of education of any school district.
(b) "School district" means any public school district organized andoperating under the laws of this state.
(c) "Parent education program" means a programdeveloped and operatedby a board for the purpose of providing expectant parents and parents ofinfants or toddlers or both with information, advice, assistance, resourcematerials, guidance and learning experiences regarding such measures asparenting skills and the various styles of parenting, the processes andprinciples of growth and development of children, home learning activitiesdesigned for infants and toddlers, techniques emphasizing a positiveapproach to discipline, effective methods of communicating and interactingwith children so as to foster the development of self-esteem, strategiesfor structuring behavioral limits and increasing mutual positive regard,and other elements of effective parenting that are conducive to thestructuring of a home environment in which children are encouraged to besuccessful and productive learners.
(d) "Infant" and "toddler" means any child under the age of eligibilityforschool attendance.
(e) "State board" means the state board of education.
History: L. 1990, ch. 258, § 1;L. 2008, ch. 77, § 2; July 1.