72-3605. Administration of act; powers and duties of state board;evaluation and approval of programs.(a) The state board shall adopt rules and regulations for theadministration of this act and shall:
(1) Establish standards and criteria for reviewing, evaluating andapproving parent education programs and applications of school districts for grants;
(2) conduct a needs-assessment survey of school districtsapplying for grants;
(3) evaluate and approve parent education programs;
(4) establish priorities in accordance with the findings of theneeds-assessment survey for theaward of grants to school districts and for determination of the amount of such grants;
(5) be responsible for awarding grants to schooldistricts; and
(6) request of and receive from each school district which is awarded agrant for development and operation of a parent education program reportscontaining information with regard to the effectiveness of the program.
(b) In evaluating and approving parent education programs for the awardof grants to schooldistricts, the state board shall consider:
(1) Prior experiences of school districts in the development andoperation of parent education programs;
(2) level of effort exhibited by school districts in the development andoperation of parent education programs;
(3) the amounts budgeted by school districts for the development andoperation of parent education programs; and
(4) the potential effectiveness of the parent education programs for whichapplications for the grant of state moneys are made.
History: L. 1990, ch. 258, § 3; July 1.