72-3715. Same; determining full-time equivalentenrollment; state aid; virtual school fund.(a) In order to be included in the full-time equivalent enrollment of a virtualschool, a pupil shall be in attendance at the virtual school on (1) a singleschool day on or beforeSeptember 19 of each school year and (2) on a single school day on or afterSeptember 20, but beforeOctober 4 of each school year.
(b) A school district which offers a virtual school shall determine thefull-time equivalentenrollment of each pupil enrolled in the virtual school on September 20 of eachschool year asfollows:
(1) Determine the number of hours the pupil was in attendance on a singleschool day on orbefore September 19 of each school year;
(2) determine the number of hours the pupil was in attendance on a singleschool day on orafter September 20, but before October 4 of each school year;
(3) add the numbers obtained under paragraphs (1) and (2);
(4) divide the sum obtained under paragraph (3) by 12. The quotient is thefull-time equivalent enrollment of the pupil.
(c) The school days on which a district determines the full-time equivalentenrollment of a pupil under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (b) shall bethe school days on which the pupil has the highest number of hours ofattendance at the virtual school. No more than six hours of attendance may becounted in a single schoolday. Attendancemay be shown by a pupil's on-line activity or entries in the pupil's virtualschool journal or log ofactivities.
(d) (1) Subject to the availability of appropriations for virtual schoolstate aid and within thelimits of any such appropriations, each school year a school district whichoffers a virtual schoolshall be entitled to virtual school state aid.
(2) The state board of education shall determine the amount of virtual schoolstate aid aschool district is entitled to receive as follows:
(A) Multiply the full-time equivalent enrollment of the virtual school by anamount equal to105% of the amount of base state aid per pupil;
(B) multiply the full-time equivalent enrollmentof nonproficient at-risk pupils enrolled inan approved at-risk program offered by the virtual school, if any, by an amountequal to 25% ofthe amount of base state aid per pupil;
(C) add any amount determined underK.S.A. 2009 Supp.72-3716, and amendmentsthereto; and
(D) add the amounts obtained under paragraphs (A) through (C). The sum is theamount ofthe virtual school state aid to which the school district is entitled.
(3) There is hereby established in every school district a fund which shallbe called the virtualschool fund, which fund shall consist of all moneys deposited therein ortransferred thereto accordingto law. Moneys received as virtual school state aid shall be deposited in thegeneral fund of theschool district and transferred to the virtual school fund of the district. Theexpenses of a districtdirectly attributable to virtual schools offered by a school district shall bepaid from the virtualschool fund. The cost of an advance placement course provided to a pupildescribed in subsection(d)(2)(D) shall be paid by the virtual school.
Any balance remaining in the virtual school fund at the end of the budget yearshall be carriedforward into the virtual school fund for succeeding budget years. Such fundshall not be subject tothe provisions of K.S.A. 79-2925 through 79-2937, and amendments thereto.
In preparing the budget of such school district, the amounts credited to andthe amount onhand in the virtual school fund, and the amount expended therefrom shall beincluded in the annualbudget for the information of the residents of the school district. Interestearned on the investmentof moneys in any such fund shall be credited to that fund.
(e) For the purposes of this section, a pupil enrolled in a virtual schoolwho is not a resident of the state of Kansas shallnot becounted in the full-time equivalentenrollment of the virtualschool.
History: L. 2008, ch. 147, § 5; July 1.