72-4107. Free textbooks authorized to be provided by school districts;revolving fund for textbooks authorized.The board of education of any school district may provide a revolvingfund for the purpose of enabling the purchase, for the use of the studentsin the schools of the district, the necessary school textbooks. Thetreasurer of each board of education is hereby authorized and directed topay out of said funds all orders lawfully drawn for the purchase of suchtextbooks.
Each clerk of a board of education shall replace the moneys paid out ofthe revolving fund with cash received by him, if any, for the books sold tothe patrons of said school. Each school district may provide the pupils insaid district with textbooks free of cost.
History: L. 1913, ch. 288, § 8; L. 1915, ch. 297, § 2; L. 1917, ch. 292, § 1;R.S. 1923, 72-4107; L. 1969, ch. 310, § 14; July 1.