72-4142. Same; no-fund warrants or tax levies topurchase textbooks.To provide revenue for the initial purchase of textbooks for use in thetextbook rental plan, the board of education of any school district isauthorized to issue no-fund warrants in an amount necessary to make suchpurchase. Such no-fund warrants shall be issued in the manner and form,bear interest and be redeemed as prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2940, andamendments thereto, except that they may be issued without the approval ofthe state court of tax appeals.
Whenever no-fund warrants are issued under the authority of this act,the board of education shall make a tax levy at the first tax levyingperiod after such warrants are issued, sufficient to pay such warrants andthe interest thereon, except that in lieu of makingonly one tax levy, such board, if it deems it advisable, may make a tax levyeach year for not to exceed three years in approximately equalinstallments for the purpose of paying said warrants and the interestthereon. All such tax levies shall be in addition to all other leviesauthorized or limited by law and none of the tax limitations provided by lawshall apply to such levy.
History: L. 1955, ch. 337, § 2; L. 1969, ch. 310, § 17;L. 2008, ch. 109, § 60; July 1.